Lightget is an open hardware and open software project to build computer controlled systems with LEDs and/or other light sources. The ultimate goal is to provide illumination and visual entertainment in a convenient, low-cost solution.
Coloured high-power LEDs are emerging as the modern illumination technology. While not fit for everyone, they are a blast for others. Below are some of my conclusions so far, when you relate LEDs to conventional lighting technology (eg. coloured spots with a dimmer):
IMO, Lightget is suitable for mood illumination during evening and night. It could be ideal for decorative lighting, and fits perfectly into any do it yourself smart home concept. It also performs outstandingly as a home-brew disco light for smaller installations. (And it's very portable: locate the nearest party and go!)
The purpose of the Sourceforge sites is to coordinate effort, act as an archive for results and help in promoting them.
Currently I have built one lightget with modular construction. I am developing software for the platform and making plans to overcome the weaknesses of the technology. Some of the strengths are obvious; others can be boosted through application and development. Ever dreamed of programming your room lights? Now you can do this on every level provided by the powerful free Unix systems!
Some additional info.
We welcome people who want to help in development or use the results of our project. Mail for details.